Friday, February 9, 2018

EPA's Scott Pruitt asks whether global warming 'necessarily a bad thing'

   “EPA’s Scott Pruitt asks whether global warming ‘necessarily is a bad thing’” is an article published in The Washington Post written by Dino Grandoni, Brady Dennis and Chris Mooney. The article talks about Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and how he questions if ‘the rising levels of carbon dioxide from human-fueled activity’ are really a hazard to the planet.

   The article also describes how this comes as no surprise because ‘not long after taking office last February, Pruitt seemed to reject the established science of climate change’. Also how this goes in hand with President Trump’s opinions about the global warming being a hoax.

   I believe this is an important article to read and analyze because it is a fact that planet Earth has existed for millions of years and in less than a hundred years we have seen dramatic climate changes due to the effect of human activity in the planet so in my opinion it is disturbing that the head of the EPA gives this kind of declarations based in assumptions and with not scientific background. This statement is unacceptable to make for a person in his position because he is supposed to be in charge of protecting the environment not only in the US territory, but in the whole world. It seems that he doesn’t understand that every consequence on the global environment is also a consequence in the US. It is his responsibility to be informed and fully consider scientific data and proof rather than making statements based on his own opinions.

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