Friday, April 27, 2018

Blog Stage 7

The Real Problem Behind Drug-Related Concerns

   We are all aware that some of the main problems that our society faces today are drug related issues. These problems vary from consumption, to drug dealing, and trafficking and they convey so many other troubles within society. According to recent statistics the USA has the first place worldwide for marijuana, cocaine, and tobacco consumption. Also other drugs like methamphetamines are widely consumed across the country. 

  Despite the fact that some states have now legalized the use of marijuana as a recreational drug and also some others for medical use, the problems are somewhat consistent and the consumption of other illegal drugs is on the rise or has stayed the same. What I am trying to say with this is that the real problem relies within the society as a whole, so we cannot blame the government as the only part responsible in this situation. In my opinion once someone tries a drug, even if it is for the first time or an only time, they become part of the problem.

   In my opinion you can’t complain if you are part of this situation. Instead people should analyze it and see what is it that they can do to improve this situation. I know it may sound absurd but something that for some people may be insignificant, like doing recreational drugs while going out has an awful lot of hidden situations behind (for example, drug trafficking).

   I believe that this example doesn’t only apply to drug crimes, but to many other problems in society in which we blame the government for or other countries, etc. We should be able to take a look at ourselves and see if there is something that we are doing that may be contributing to these issues. I am a believer that all big changes begin with us so in every situation if you want a change begin by changing the way you act, think, and interact with one another.


LEJ Ruler! said...

In blogger "The Government Journal" posted a commentary "The Real Problem Behind Drug-Related Concerns." It seems that the author is emphasizing that the drugs keep ruling our world because we're contributing to the drug traffic by consuming instead we should be helping to reach a solution. I agree with my colleague in his argument that we as people have the power to end with drugs trafficking by making the demands decrease. Like a business when the demands of the business decrease their profit does too so they end up going out of business. I feel like the same thing can happen with the demand for drugs. The only ones that are able to accomplish this change are the people who demand drugs as the author mention earlier.

I'm against the consumption of drugs for the following reasons. Drugs are an addiction in which individuals fall, and it's sad to see that their lives are affected by this addiction that is not letting them continue without having them in their life. For the reasons that it an awfully expensive addiction and they prioritize before their personal needs. They also spend so much time in this addiction when it could be substituted by being involved in other productive activities like making extra profit, learning new thing, or even spending time with loved ones. When a person lets a drug rule their lives it's like saying, "It’s okay go on and rule my world." A Similar case happens in Mexico drugs rule our beautiful country because it's full of drugs and disorder. The cause of the corrupted government is the money and what produces that money is the drugs. The people that lead the violent cartels in Mexico are drugged cartels that all they do is sell drugs to the country's that most demand it and kill everyone that gets in there way of getting their profit. Mexico is ruled by drugs and hopefully, it won't spread to rule the United States.

The author of "The Real Problem Behind Drug-Related Concerns" definitely has a point when he says we should start off by making a change in yourself. For the reason that drugs are bad because they lead to many unnecessary effect and addictions. A change can be made by the stop of the demand of drugs. It's not a bad idea to start off in our own personal lives so that in the future we won't have a world were the drugs, the corruption, and the addiction rule our world.

Robert Tolan said...

In the article titled "The real problem behind drug related concerns" the author is effective and fluid in making the argument that we, as individuals, can stop this trend of addiction and drugs in the U.S by taking a reflective look at ourselves and not being part of the problem. While so many things can be said and done to prevent addiction, it is still one of the most combatted uphill battles experienced across the world. I wholeheartedly agree with the author's argument, and that's because over the course of this semester I was able to successfully quit nicotine by just taking the first step- wanting to stop. Quitting my addiction was the single hardest thing I have ever faced and I still have many more addictions to break, but it really gave me the perspective to understand why addicts are the way they are.

As more and more people begin to side with the solution rather than the problem, addiction will be looked at in a different light; it can be overcome, with support groups such as NA or AA an individual can receive help. This is all under the notion that an individual wants help and wants to break their addiction, but if not the same sad cycle will continue in their life until they have the power to break it. This same sad story is experienced through a plethora of people and a wide array of different drugs whether it be nicotine or cocaine.

The author is absolutely right in the assumption that this nation-wide epidemic can be combatted by taking a closer look at ourselves rather than the problem as a whole.

Blog Stage 7

The Real Problem Behind Drug-Related Concerns    We are all aware that some of the main problems that our society faces today are drug ...